Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines for GNLU Blog on Corporate Laws
GNLU Blog on Corporate Law is envisioned to publish research in corporate laws of India in a dynamic forefront. We welcome submissions on all aspects of corporate and commercial law in India.
- Submissions should be around 1000-1200 words. Keep the title concise, under 8 words.
- Use footnotes sparingly. Excessive footnoting may lead to rejection.
- Provide links to sources like case law, legislation, articles etc. For Indian cases, link to Indiankanoon or court websites. No need to link well known statutes.
- Refer to parties by their names instead of petitioner/respondent etc.
- We prefer analytical posts over descriptive ones. Selection criteria include relevance, quality, logic, structure and writing style.
- Visit the categories section on the homepage, and mention the category just in line below the title/author(s).
- Format of name of authors should be as follows: “Name of Author is a (X YearStudent/Associate/Partner etc) at XYZ University/ABC Law Firm/etc.”
- Use Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing.
- Include a 2 line bio of the author below the title. For example: “X is a Partner at ABC Law Firm, Delhi”.
- Include 1-3 keywords from the list of topics on our website.
- Review existing posts to understand requirements.
- Work with editors to incorporate suggested changes.
- Submissions must be original work without plagiarism. All articles go through plagiarism and AI detection check. We do not discourage use of AI, but we strictly refrain from complete AI generated content in order to promote originality of thought of authors.
- Disclose any conflicts of interest.
Submission Process
- Email submissions to in MS Word (.doc/.docx)
- Editors shall revert within 48 hours of receipt of email.
- Title of email should be as follows: “Submission | Title | Category”
- Editors have discretion to accept/reject posts. Limited feedback will be provided on rejections due to high volume.
- Posts may be cross-posted with credit and link to original post on our website.